Thursday, March 26, 2009

14 weeks in

Hi, my name is Dan and I am going to be a dad here in about 6 months. I just wanted to tell my story of surviving life with a pregnant wife. I know that some of you people might have comments about what I might say and I welcome that. I will except advice or criticism by people because this is my first time being married and this will be my first child. My wife is 14 weeks pregnant and everything is going good. She is very healthy besides the morning sickness ( by the way why is it called morning sickness when their sick a day). The baby is doing good and we have been to two ultrasounds. Now the surviving part has not been that bad except for the cravings, her cravings have not got all that weird yet but when she wants something she better get it. I always loved to spoil her and that maybe getting me into trouble now. I don't know what to expect from here but I am sure it will be a journey.

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