Friday, March 27, 2009

What's with the language?

Well, I will have to admit that today was a pretty good day over all. I only had to work an 8 hour day and my wife didn't have to work at all today(lucky her). We went out to her friends house for dinner tonight, out in Puyallup. The food was good and so was the conversation but I am starting to learn that pregnant women do not have filters on their mouths. Now my wife throws out some f-bombs here and there, but tonight oh my god she has begun to sound like me. I just hope the baby isn't listening or we will be having a lot of explaining to do. I personally am trying to not swear as much around her because I think that the baby can hear, but she says the baby only hears muffled sounds. Anyone know if that's true or not?

I love my wife dearly, but I might have to send her back to English class before the baby arrives!!!

1 comment:

  1. The baby can hear just about anything starting around 14 weeks and on. They can hear their mommies the best. :)
