Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just want to scream!

Today has been one of those days you just want to scream. First off work was really slow and boring. To top it all off my phone died in the middle of the day at work, so I could not get a hold of my wife. When we did talk, the idea of having pork chops for dinner came up. I was going to get them on the way home from work but my phone was dead and didn't want to go with out asking her if she wanted something else. I go home to get her, and remember now she doesn't have to work today and hasn't done anything all day. I walk in the door and there she is sleeping away on the couch in the living room, She looked so cute I didn't want to wake her but the dog decided different and started barking at me for just standing in the door and she jumped up.

Now for one thing, we really do not do much stuff with out each other and we always go to the store together. I ask her to go with me and she gives me this "I am tired and haven't taken a shower today, I have spots on my shirt from eating tacos earlier". She was at home all day and I have been up since 5:3am( it's about 3:30pm at this time). When I called her at 9am, she was still sleeping and she went to bed at the same time I did, about 11pm the night before. I just tell her I will go to the store alone then hoping she will go, but I end up going alone. I am gone for about an hour at the store doing some shopping and picked up a little more stuff then I went for , just stay out the house for a little bit.

When I get home, I go ahead and start on dinner and she helps me unload all the groceries. She is very helpful and does some of the dishes before dinner. After dinner we lay down for about a half-an-hour and then she starts to tell me that she wants Ice cream. I told I was going to pick some up but didn't know what type because she keeps changing her mind about that too. Noe if she wants me to go back to the store to get her some and she says "I'll go with you". Yeah right if you would have gone with me in the first place you would have your damn ice cream. This again makes me want to scream!!!

Right now she is cleaning out the closet in our room and is going to reorganize it. I am gone the whole day and she did nothing but now when it's time to relax she wants me to help her clean the closet out. She says it some pregnant woman thing to start nesting to get ready for the baby. Well I can use this nesting thing to my advantage for awhile but I know it's going to back fire sooner or later. Looks like the house is going to get reorganized whether I like it or not. Boy am I glad softball has started and I am out of the house while she wants to clean everything.

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